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As an event that challenges young minds to compete as teams in designing a Formula category vehicle, there is no other event like this in the country. To develop a vehicle consisting of various sub systems, meeting engineering specifications, timelines and above all meeting safety standards is a challenge not for the faint hearted. And then making the rubber hit the road at a premium race track under gazing eyes of experienced technical experts and other enthusiasts is a thrill not just for the participants, but for the mobility community at large. As a one year long challenge across multiple stages comprising of design defence (“Virtual Supra” in event language), multiple rounds of technical inspections and actual construction of the vehicle, this event helps shape future engineers through competitive spirit and encompasses all elements of a vehicle building for aesthetics in design, to the choice of parts, through structure design and modelling, to fabrication and testing. This event sets the stage to assess the capability for teamwork, entrepreneurship, leadership and management skills of the ‘students. 110 teams constituting the crème de la crème, selected on criteria such as Engineering Design, Design Validation, Project plan, from various Engineering Colleges across the country, will strive for a place on the podium. This event provides a real world engineering challenge for the SAEINDIA Student members that reflect the steps involved in the entire process from design development, building prototype, and production to marketing and endurance confirming to well laid down criteria. This helps the objective of bringing out student talent to serve the nation for the years to come, in fulfilment of the Automotive Mission Plan (AMP 2016) a dream to make India an International Automotive Hub. We invite you to come and kindle your innovative ideas and creativity to experience engineering better than the best.

Formula SAE/Formula Student is the largest and most popular student engineering competition series in the world. Started by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) in 1979, the competitions challenge engineering students to conceptualize, design, fabricate and compete with a formula style race car putting their engineering knowledge to practical use and giving hands on exposure to product development. The concept behind competition is that a fictional manufacturing company has contracted a student design team to develop a small Formula-style car. The prototype race car is to be evaluated for its potential as a production item. The target marketing group for the race car is the non-professional weekend autocross racer. The prototype race car is judged through static and dynamic events with the following points distribution:



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Wednesday, 9 March 2016



Mauris! Dapibus, ultrices, augue nunc mauris pulvinar placerat porttitor dapibus, urna lectus odio facilisis placerat nisi sit odio intege...

Saroja Samanikkalo

Saroja Samanikkalo Saroja Samanikkalo

Mauris! Dapibus, ultrices, augue nunc mauris pulvinar placerat porttitor dapibus, urna lectus odio facilisis placerat nisi sit odio intege...

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